12th European Workshop on the Biology of Cyanobacteria 2024

Instructions for abstract submission

1. Have ready your abstract title (max. 20 words), author names, affiliations, abstract text (max. 250 words), references (optional, no more than 3) and funding details.

2. Enter this information in the menu on the left side and check the preview on the right side. You will be asked to choose your presentation type (oral or poster) and the preferred workshop session.

3. Indicate authors’ affiliations ONLY by the name of the institution, city and country.

4. You can modify your title and your abstract text introducing bold letters, italics, subscripts or superscripts using the buttons on top of the boxes to fill.

5. If you wish, you can cite a maximum of 3 references. Indicate references with numbers in brackets in the text and list them in the “references" box in order of citation with the following format [1] First author et al. Journal. doi.org/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx

6. You can download and check your abstract at any time after the submission.